Created: Monday, June 17th 2024, 11:15:02 am
Modified: Tuesday, January 21st 2025, 2:53:30 pm
- a little life yanagihara re athena — writing style like mine?
- serverance book and tv show re jackie
- requiem for a dream (movie)
- Barfly bukowski autobiographical movie
- Ask the dust (movie) re. book
- Rimbaud: A Season in Hell re Dustin Pearson, re verlaine re hem
- Sylvia Beach: Shakespeare and company (autobiog paris, a la moveable feast)
- Hem: 3 stories and 10 poems (up in michigan)
- Fitzgerald: Tender is the Night (last book)
- Fitzgerald: Jazz Age (shorts)
- Fitzgerald: The Beautiful and the Damned
- Fitzgerald: This Side of Paradise (first book)
- Ezra Pound: something? re Moveable Feast
- Tarkovsky films (downloaded)
- Scent of a woman (perlman)
- Pulp Fiction rewatch
- Kill Bill rewatch?
Inglorious Basterds rewatch
- Hesse: Steppenwolf (tried, meh?)
Salinger: Catcher in the Rye re. Tim: love of innocence
Salinger: Perfect day for bananafish re. Tim (short story)
- Gertrude Stein: Melanctha re. Moveable feast (short story)
- Gertrude Stein: The Making of Americans re. Moveable feast (long)
- Gertrude Stein: Tender Buttons re. Kelly
- Picasso’s nude of the girl with the basket of flowers re. Moveable feast (pic)
- Kerouac: On the road re. Arthur
- Dostoyevsky: notes from the underground re. Trent (short)
- Wittgenstein: philosophical investigations re. Trent
Fitzgerald: Great Gatsby